Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Tabbouleh - Middle Eastern Salad Recipe

Shout out to my viewers in the middle east! This Syrian salad is so easy to make and incredibly flavorful.

If you dont have challots, you can use half a small onion instead. The garlic is also optionnal but I love it so I included it. You could always use garlic powder to replace the real thing if thats what you have handy. The oil however has to be olive oil otherwise the taste wont be as good. You can vary the amount of tomato and parsley to your personnal taste. Make this dish on a sunny day and Enjoy!

1/2 cup instant couscous
1 tomato
1 challot
1 garlic clove
juice from 1/2 lemon
3 tbsp olive oil
1/2 cup fresh parsley
salt and pepper

Music by Weak Size Fish - Jam on Skinner's Pond!/weaksizefish