Sunday, October 23, 2011

Zombies and Brains Halloween Marshmallow Treats

Here's an original yet easy sweet recipe to do with the kids for a Halloween party! All you have to do is prepare a batch of rice krispies squares according to the recipe on the box.

Then you split it in half and add food coloring, in this case green to one half. You will have to wait for the mixture to cool down a bit before you can manipulate it. To avoid it from sticking to your hands, make sure to have them coated with butter.

You can use candy, chocolate chips, strawberry jam or cake icing to decorate your patties and make eyes or blood. Place your marshmallow treats on a buttered cookie sheet to avoid them from sticking while they firm up. Enjoy!

List of ingredients
5 to 6 cups of rice krispies type cereal
1 bag (250g) of marshwallows
1/4 cup margerine or butter
a few drops of vanilla extract (optionnal)
2 tbsp of chocolate chips, melted
2 tbsp of fruit jam
more butter or margerine for your hands and your cookie sheet