Sunday, November 6, 2011

What's in your fridge and pantry? Tag Video Rules

I was emptying the dishwasher when I had an epiphany! I want to start a series of tag videos on youtube. For a while now, I wanted to share with my fans all those amazing channels I subscribe to. 

If people start tagging each other and leaving video responses, we can get people involved and get to know each other better amongst the foodie community on youtube.

The videos will be about showing the inside of your fridge and/or pantry. Tell us what your favorite foods are, make excuses for all the booze or chips, why do you organize it (or not!) that way, is there something missing thats usually always in there..?


1-You may show either your fridge or pantry or both. Its up to you

2- You may tag 3 to 5 people

3- You can also tag vloggers, musicians, makeup gurus, ANYONE! If you think they would be interested to participate, ask them. We can make non-foodies discover the many amazing cooks of youtube!

4- Make sure to name the people you want to tag back in your video and refer them to this blog so they know how this game works.

5- Share this idea on facebook, twitter, google+ or elsewhere. People who have NOT been tagged yet can also participate and leave a video response to the tag video of their choice and then tag their own friends back as well.

Think it sounds fun? Get involved, get started! Should you have any questions, please leave a comment down below, send me a private message on youtube or @mention me on twitter. Our hashtag will be: #FridgePantryTag

Good luck and have fun!